edits from shoot 6 and 7

I was surprised to have all the edits from both shoots with Magdalena back the next day, mid afternoon. Before viewing the images I automatically got the impression that she had rushed the edits in order for them to get back to me. When I opened the images up I was pleased with what she had done but there were some parts which had not been addressed and other elements that were not well done. I  presumed that I would have to go over.

Marie edit:

I feel that Magdalena and the model were able to capture the expression and mood that I was wanting to portray in this image. This was the reference image which I showed them both. I feel that it has a clear similarity.

Magdalena has done well in recreating this image, especially as the studio was unfortunate. She has bleached out the background and created quite a bright, dream like edit. I am pleased with the image but I am not happy with the way she has edited the hair. She has copied a section over and over again, creating a stripy edited look. I feel the make up really complements the wig and the overall feel of the image is soft. I am glad that I used a dark skin for this look as it really makes the soft colours stand out, and with the bright washed out image, the model really stands out. 

This is the image which Magdalena edited and used for herself. She has purposely created a stripy effect on the hair and I think this is why she has done it to my image. I do not like this as it  no longer looks like hair. 

I believe that there is a clear relationship between the images and mood boards. They feature the same colours and reflect a delicate feeling which links to the trend. Although I am pleased with the images I believe I have stronger images. The make-up and hair design is quite simple and there is no innovative ideas within the look. This could easily be recreated by the consumer. If I was to re-do this look I would make it a little more elaborate and creative.

As I feel I have vastly improved and feel a lot more confident in re-touching the images on Photoshop myself I have decided to re-touch the image a little and make it a little more to my liking. This is what I have created.

I have not changed the image massively but I have tried to correct the hair so it doesn't look so stripy and I have also edited the fringe to make it look straighter. I feel I have done this successfully.

The budget for creating this image was not too expensive.
eye shadow £9.99
eyelashes £3.99
taxi fare £10.00

Total  £23.98

The image works well within the calendar and backs up what is being said within my trend. Although the make-up and hair design is more wearable it still links with the other images. If the consumer did want to recreate this look they may use the same make-up design or take influence from the style it has been created. For the hair I believe it is unlikely for them to get their hair dyed into a pale pink bob. I do however believe that it could influence the consumer to get a similar cut bob. I am pleased that I used a darker skin tone for this look and feel it works well within the calendar. By me using a variation of models it allows the consumer to relate to the images better. The image shows that I am able to create a range of different make-up designs. It also shows that I can use wigs, something is useful to know when working out in industry.

Elizabeth edits:

I knew before I received these images that I was going to need to re-shoot the look using a different model and different hair and make-up. I believe that this is because I was not imaginative with my hair design and the make-up was not thought through well enough and as a result did not relate to the mood board strongly. 

I really struggled with selecting an two images to get edited as I was not happy with any of them. I only got these edited in order to send back to the model.

The make-up looks way to extreme for this trend. I need to tone it right down for the re-shoot. The mood board for this look includes a wash of very pale colours and I do not think this comes across in the images at all. I feel by me addressing this issue it shows that I am able to critically evaluate my work. 

With regards to the model, it was hard to get her to pull soft expressions. I think this is partly due to the hair and make-up design but also the models face. She looked very serious in most of the images taken and meant that many of the images were irrelevant.

I feel this look needs to have a lot more planning and when coming up with a design, the mood board needs to be sat in front of me.

I am very disappointed with myself and the shoot and feel I can do a lot better. It is also frustrating knowing that the model was so expensive.

The problem is now finding the time to re-shoot this months image. I know that it is Easter next week and getting models during the day is going to be a challenge. I do have time after Easter but I do not want this pressure.

Katie edits:

Although this shoot was only carried out yesterday and I have got the edits back already I am extremely pleased with the images. I feel Magdalena has edited these well and there is nothing that I need to do to them. I really like the lighting in the images, it looks like her hair is really blonde at the ends and really dark roots. This is due to the lighting highlighting the ends of the hair and creating a halo hair effect. I also like the way the lighting highlights the face but there is still shadows which relate back to the other images within the trend. 
I prefer the first image as the other looks a little hazy. I also think the pose is stronger and gives a clear relation to the mood of the trend.  I also do not like the hand in the second image. 
The blue in Katie's eyes has been lightened to a pale blue, not far off the colour within the key colour trend. I like the fact that I have used red but a very dark red so it is not thought upon as being cliché.

Looking at the eyelashes that have been applied I would probably do it different next time. I think I would have applied a thick line of eye liner first and then attached the eyelashes. This way the eyelashes would not look like they have been randomly stuck on which I think it looks a little like in the images. 

I believe the look does reflect what was said within the mood board although the mood board had more hints of aqua than this image. I think the bluey background has shown acknowledgement to this but it is still not strong enough. 

Overall I am very pleased with this look and am happy for it to be the ending image of the calendar. 

To create this image it did cost a little more than expected but I believe it is worth it. 
model fee £65.00
necklace £12.50
eyelashes £7.99

Total: 85.49

As well as the image fitting in with the rest of the looks in the calendar it is relevant to the season. Darker colours are normally worn during the winter and for the Christmas Season red is often featured. I have combined these two elements to work with my look and I feel this is successful. 
I believe that this look would appeal to the consumer as it is quite a fashion looking image. It would also be able to filtered down to be wearable.  

Elesha edits:

I am also pleased with these images although I feel there are parts that could be improved. From the two images I prefer the first. It is more striking and fierce which is what I wanted to portray. I also prefer the shadowing on the first. There is a clear contrast between the highlighted and shaded in the image by strong lines. I feel this adds to the feel of the image. 
I feel that the orange within the hair is also successful. The brightness stands out compared to the rest of the dark image and also allows it to relate back to the key colours of the trend. I am not so pleased with the way the hair has been edited it is obviously edited and now looks unnatural. It is also a shame that Magdalena has airbrushed the skin so much that all texture has gone. I feel that Magdalena has rushed this image to get it back to me. I believe this because there is a clear difference in the editing skills from the first shoots images to this. I feel that the lines around the eyes could be darker especially as there are some dark shading and tones already in the image. I am going to add this to the image. 

I am pleased with the model selection for this image. Elesha has managed to portray through her eyes what my mood board is saying in pictures. She also has the right look for this design. Very pleased with the outcome. 

This image was a lot cheaper to recreate. 
jewellery £12.50
paint £3.00

total £15.50

Because this was a considerably cheaper image to shoot it balances out the price of the previous. 

I feel that the image strongly relates to the mood board and results in a strong image within my trend. I feel that this image could result in a trend starting. Instead of dip dying hair (trend that is around at present) it could be a root colour trend for 2014. I feel this image is very fashion orientated and could be seen on Catwalks. Although designers are supposed to be the trend setters, this image is the sort of design which fashion may use. 

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